What you feed a chicken matters. Our birds are fed non-GMO all natural feed until early afternoon, and then they feed on pasture the remaining part of the day.  

We purchase our feed locally from a farm near Centerville, TN. It contains, Non-GMO Corn, Roasted Non-GMO soybeans, Non-GMO Soybean Meal, Oats, Fish Meal, and other essential vitamins and minerals chickens need.  No antibiotics are needed.

The feed is not processed but freshly ground usually the day before we pick it up.  Fresh feed means we lose none of the nutrients typically lost during commercial mill processing.


The birds are housed in flocks of 40 in a “chicken tractor”.  A chicken tractor is a rolling cage that is moved to fresh pasture everyday.  In the tractor, birds have plenty of room to roam without the threat from predators while also providing shade from the hot sun. 

Access to fresh pasture allows them to forage and eat grass which results in meat that is higher in omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E.  

Another contributing factor to great tasting chicken is our processing methods.  Our processing is as stress free as it can be. Store bought birds are herded onto a semi-truck and shipped to a processing plant.  That is stressful for the birds and affects meat quality.  

The birds are then mechanically slaughtered on an assembly line. Mechanical slaughtering often contaminates the meat with fecal matter.  Chickens then have to be treated with chemicals to help sterilize the meat. 

Obviously, our birds are handled much differently.  Each bird is slaughtered individually as humanely as possible.  We also utilize two chilling tanks used to clean the birds after slaughter.  One chill tank before evisceration, and a separate chill tank after.  Our tanks are unique because fresh water is continually pumped through the tanks keeping the water and the birds clean. No filthy tanks of fecal sludge on our farm!

All natural, individual attention, and a commitment to clean, humane processing is what we believe makes our chickens taste like chicken should…DELICIOUS!